Valle de Oro - National Wildlife Refuge Documentation

Technical Document Authoring & Print Design
for Valle de Oro NWF


A multi-exhibit wildlife refuge required extensive and detail technical documents for the project. As art director and lead author I ran the project solely to include various materials, and references needed to deliver this handbook as a final paid deliverable. The entire project was managed in Asana, and the book itself was designed in Google Slides. The final copies were exported for digital consumption on media drives as well as bound and printed for a physical backup. The project as a whole took several years to complete, while the documentation itself happened over 4-6 months.


• Working with limited knowledge across varies groups of industrial design, fabrication, integration, content management systems, and technical logistics

• Work mostly completed entirely during COVID-19, while coordinating project management roles to ensure document completion and reach billing milestones.

• Exclusively design in Google Slides with collaborative tools as a driving factor, Asana for milestones, reporting, and streamlining 20 individuals schedules and pipelines.

Skills & Tech

Print Design / Project Coordination
Google Slides / Illustrator / Photoshop / Asana
Wildlife / Conservation / Perseveration


Asana Boards for
Project Management

It was my sole responsibility to work with members of the installation and integration team, media systems and av team, content managers, and designers to complete a 160 page volume user manual for the entirety of the exhibits, the media they contain, troubleshooting, technical specs, warranties, and interpretive guides and narratives.


ICO Real Estate


NMHU English Dept.